Canaries Spanish Breed di Giuseppe Ponzio - Torrile (Parma)
The Canaries Spanish Breed descends directly from Canary Wild which refers to size , hardiness, vivacity prolificacy. It all began in the early thirties (1931),
when a group of farmers of the Spanish company, La Unión de Canaricultores de Barcelona, at the time the association more old of Catalonia, decided to create a new breed, other than those who were present at that time (flautas and the Canarian Pais) a thin little bird, , a miniature figure. Breeders wanted to get a canary with the structure of the body is very thin and with a size that it was between 11cm and 12cm, (the smallest of all the canaries, the wild canary is 13cm).
The first is the standard of 1931 but is approved only on November 8, 1948 in Madrid the fourth national congress of poultry. So we are talking about a race with more than half a century of tradition. Pontius Joseph breeder